Site Notes Automations Addon

[New Addon] Introducing the Site Notes Automations Addon

The newest version of MonsterInsights is here with a brand new addon: The Site Notes Automations addon.

Site Notes, our GA4 annotations tool, got a huge upgrade. Now, MonsterInsights Agency users can use the power of a new integration with Uncanny Automator or direct access to our Site Notes API to automatically create important site notes in all kinds of different situations.

That means no more searching for the date something important happened. Find it right inside your WordPress dashboard instead!

MonsterInsights Site Notes

Let’s take a closer look at the new addon.

Automated, Hands-Off Note-Taking

Uncanny Automator is the most popular automation plugin for WordPress. It can connect over 170 plugins and apps to automate tons of different tasks and workflows. You can use it for everything from automatically publishing your content on social media to sending an email, adding a note to a WooCommerce order, sending a Slack message, and everything in between.

Now, this powerful tool integrates with MonsterInsights Site Notes to automatically create notes for you when something happens you want to keep track of.

MonsterInsights Site Notes integration with Uncanny Automator

Instantly add hands-off, automatic note-taking to streamline your entire workflow. You’ll never have to search through records to remember what date an event happened again!

Automatically track:

  • Any time new posts or pages are published
  • When posts or pages are updated
  • When comments are added
  • When users are created
  • And more!

Plus, with your new Site Notes API access, you’ll have complete customization over the Site Notes that are added automatically. Create whatever automatic notes you want, such as:

  • Website theme updates
  • Plugin updates
  • WordPress version updates
  • Site Health notifications
  • And more!

To get started, navigate to Tools » Site Notes » Integrations and follow the instructions you find there.

The Site Notes Automations addon is available now in MonsterInsights 8.27 for Agency-level users. Upgrade to an Agency license now to get started.

That’s it for this release!

For more on MonsterInsights Site Notes, check out How to Add Google Analytics Annotations in GA4 (Free).

If you’re interested in our most recent releases, check out:

[New] Announcing the Exceptions Addon: Effortlessly Monitor Your Traffic
Introducing the MonsterInsights Site Insights Block: Display Stats On Your Website

Finally, don’t forget to follow us on XFacebook and YouTube for more helpful Google Analytics tips.

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