Are you interested in how to find your UTM data in Google Analytics so you can understand which of your marketing efforts are getting the best results?
MonsterInsights makes it easy to measure the effectiveness of your marketing efforts right within your WordPress dashboard.
Find your campaign report by going to Insights » Reports » Traffic » Campaigns.

In this report, you’ll be able to view the following for each tracked campaign:
- Sessions
- Engaged Sessions
- Pages / Sessions
- Purchases
- Conversion Rate
- Revenue
Similar details can be found directly at as well, but it may not be as easy to locate. This guide will show you how to find this crucial marketing campaign data in Google Analytics.
Not sure what UTM Tracking Codes are?
Be sure to check out our other guides on tracking your Marketing Campaigns with UTM Codes:
How to Create Campaign URLs With UTM Codes in MonsterInsights
Where do I Find my UTM Code in Google Analytics?
You can see UTM campaign data in all 3 Acquisition reports: Overview, User acquisition, and Traffic acquisition.
To find your UTM data in your Google Analytics property, navigate to » Reports » Acquisition (under Life cycle).

Acquisition overview report
Click on Acquisition overview.
You’ll find your campaign data in the session medium and campaign cards.

You can toggle between session data and engaged session data.
User acquisition report
Click on User acquisition. Click on the dropdown above the first report column. Select First user campaign.

Traffic acquisition report
Click on Traffic acquisition. Click on the dropdown above the first report column. Select Session campaign.

In the DebugView report, you view each campaign UTM parameter for a page_view event in real-time.
Copy one of your campaign URLs with UTM parameters and paste it into an incognito/private browser window while not logged in as an Administrator or Editor.
In a separate tab or window with your property open, click on Configure » DebugView.
Click on the page_view event in the vertical timeline when it appears.
View the page_view event Parameters to the right of the timeline. Expand the campaign, content, medium, and source parameters to see each UTM parameter value.

That’s it! Now you know where to find your UTM tracking code data. If you haven’t yet, check out our other docs on UTM codes:
How to Create Campaign URLs With UTM Codes in MonsterInsights, and UTM Tracking Code Frequently Asked Questions.