Help! I’m Not Seeing Myself in the Real-Time Reports in Google Analytics

Last Updated on Jun 30, 2023

Are you having trouble seeing yourself in the Real-Time reports in Google Analytics? This article covers the majority of reasons people might not be seeing themselves in the real-time view. Read on to troubleshoot your setup!

MonsterInsights Doesn’t Track Admins and Editors by Default

You’ll need to open an incognito window or log out of WordPress before you can see yourself in real-time reports.

Mobile Users Tracking

Mobile hits are batched to conserve phone battery. You will potentially notice delays when testing on mobile. Batching typically happens every few minutes rather than instantaneously. Certain mobile devices throttle sending hits to Google Analytics sometimes up to 6 hours, as a way to conserve battery life

Caching Plugin

You authenticated into MonsterInsights or entered the tracking code manually, but you’re using a plugin based (WP SuperCache, WP Total Cache, WP Rocket), or server-based (Pagely, WP Engine, Siteground, etc.) caching and have not cleared the cache.

The MonsterInsights Performance Addon

The Performance Addon is fantastic for high-traffic sites that are close to running up against the Google Analytics data cap.

But if you happened to turn this on and didn’t pay attention to what you were doing (say turned it on to 50%) you’d see a 50% drop in reported traffic.

If you’re testing your site in real-time, and happen to be one of the unreported 50%, you wouldn’t see yourself.

Cookie Plugin

If you are using a cookie plugin for EU Compliance, and you’re visiting your own site, make sure you’ve opted into tracking first before checking your Realtime report.

That’s it! Now you know all the major reasons why the Real-Time reporting view might not be showing you in Google Analytics.

Ready to learn about the Real-Time Reports in Google Analytics? Check out our guide: Beginner’s Guide to Realtime Reports.