How to Get Started With the Media Addon

Last Updated on Feb 05, 2025

Have you been wondering how many people are viewing your videos and for how long? Knowing how far someone gets in your video can make a big difference in what content you’re putting on your website for people to view.

In this document, we will cover how to set up tracking for your YouTube, Vimeo, or HTML5 videos. You will be able to see how many views your video is getting, as well as the percentage of the video that was watched.


  1. You’ll need the MonsterInsights Pro plugin.
  2. You’ll need to install and activate the Media Addon (available to Plus level customers and above).

Insert an HTML5 Video into a Page or Post

In WordPress, go to Media » Add New and upload your video to your website.

add new media

Next, create a new page or post. Change the block to Video and select Media Library.

select video block

Click the video you want to add and in the bottom right corner, click on the select button.

click select to finish

Insert a YouTube Video into a Page or Post

Create a page or post you want your YouTube video to be on. Then select the YouTube block.

select youtube block

Head over to YouTube and click on the share button for the video you want to embed. Copy the URL and head back to your post or page.

copy link url

Past the URL into the block to embed your video.

click on embed

If you choose to embed your YouTube video without using WordPress’ oEmbed, then you will need to add enablejsapi=1 to the iframe URL in order for MonsterInsights to track correctly.

Insert a Vimeo Video into a Page or Post

Start by creating a new page or post. Next, select the Vimeo block.

select vimeo block

Here, it asks for the link to the Vimeo video you want to embed. Go to Vimeo and click on the share button to get the URL for the video you want to embed.

Go back to your page or post and paste the URL, then click on the embed button.

vimeo click embed

And that’s it! Now you’re ready to start tracking your videos.