Want to effectively track the performance of your WooCommerce store? You’ll need to set up WooCommerce conversion tracking. Once you enable WooCommerce conversion tracking and set it up in Google Analytics, you’ll be able to access all the sales data you need to make great decisions about how to optimize your store and improve your […]
How to Check if Google Analytics is Working (+ Checker Tools)
Are you wondering how to check if Google Analytics is working on your website and looking for a Google Analytics checker tool? Or perhaps you’re not sure if the data Analytics is tracking is accurate? Google Analytics is a powerful tool for measuring your site’s performance and gathering a lot of incredibly useful information about […]
Google Analytics 4 Glossary: New GA4 Terms to Know
Google Analytics 4 is new and can be confusing if you’re not sure what some of the new metrics and terms mean. So, we’ve created this Google Analytics 4 glossary to go over some of the things that have changed, and some of the new terms that have been introduced. After our list of terms, […]
8 Best Website Builders for Small Businesses
Small businesses must have professional websites. But, not all small businesses can hire web designers. This is where finding the best website builder can help. You don’t need to spend a lot of time learning how to run your site, make changes, and add content. You also don’t need to sacrifice the look, functionality, or […]
Google Analytics eCommerce Tracking Tutorial [WordPress]
Would you like to set up Google Analytics eCommerce tracking for your online store? Setting up Google Analytics 4 eCommerce tracking on your website will let you gather and analyze super useful data like user behavior and revenue. With eCommerce tracking, you’ll be able to monitor things like the number of purchases and revenue your […]
How to Get More Traffic on WordPress (15+ Ways)
Want to get more traffic on WordPress this year? Getting more traffic to your blog or website is the first step to increasing subscribers, revenue or sales, so doing what you can to bring in that extra traffic is a great first step. It’s really easy to get overwhelmed, though, by all the different things […]
6 Best WooCommerce Analytics and Reporting Plugins
Looking for the best WooCommerce reporting and analytics plugins? With the right plugin, you’ll be able to see all the most important stats for your WooCommerce store. When you know the stats that matter, you’ll be able to make decisions that will grow your store. So, the WooCommerce reporting and analytics plugin you choose should […]
Top WordPress SEO Mistakes [Most Common & Easily Avoidable]
Want to make sure you’re not making WordPress SEO mistakes on your site? We’re glad you’re here to learn what the most common SEO issues are, so that you can avoid making SEO mistakes and keep your WordPress site super SEO friendly. SEO practices are so important for digital marketing and your site’s overall success! […]
How to Create a WordPress Event Calendar (Step by Step)
Want to set up a WordPress event calendar on your WordPress.org site? Adding an event calendar to your site is an awesome way to keep your audience informed about your upcoming events, and in some cases, event let them sign up, depending on your needs. However, especially if you’re new to WordPress or don’t have […]
Universal Analytics Sunset: What it Means & What to Do Now
In March of 2022, Google first announced that it will begin sunsetting the old version of Google Analytics (Universal Analytics) on July 1, 2023. Multiple Universal Analytics sunset reminders have been sent since then, and Google has now announced that they will create a basic a GA4 property for you if you don’t create one […]