Best WordPress Themes for Business (Ranked)

21 Best WordPress Themes for Business (Ranked)

Are you looking for the perfect WordPress themes for business websites?

Not all WordPress themes are created equal when it comes to business needs. Some may lack the features and support to effectively showcase your products or services.

But fear not! Creating a professional and functional website with a suitable WordPress theme tailored for a business becomes a breeze.

These themes are specifically designed to meet the demands of business owners, offering robust features and seamless integration with essential plugins.

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In this article, we’ll delve into WordPress themes for business websites, highlighting the top choices to help you elevate your online presence and attract customers.

Features to Look for in WordPress Themes for Business

When choosing a WordPress theme for your business website, looking for features that cater to your specific needs is essential. Here are some key features to consider:

  • Responsive design: Ensure the theme is mobile-friendly and adjusts seamlessly to different screen sizes, providing a consistent user experience across devices.
  • Customization options: Look for themes that offer extensive customization options, allowing you to tailor the design to match your brand identity.
  • SEO-friendly: Opt for optimized themes for search engines, helping your website rank higher in search results and attract more organic traffic.
  • eCommerce integration: If you plan to sell products or services online, choose a theme that seamlessly integrates with popular e-commerce plugins like WooCommerce.
  • Speed optimization: A fast-loading website is crucial for retaining visitors and improving search engine rankings. Look for themes that prioritize speed optimization.
  • Security features: Ensure the theme follows best security practices and receives regular updates to protect your website from vulnerabilities.
  • Cross-browser compatibility: Ensure the theme is compatible with all major web browsers, ensuring your website looks and functions correctly for all users.
  • Support and documentation: Look for themes that offer reliable customer support and comprehensive documentation to assist you in setting up and customizing your website.
  • Integration with popular plugins: Consider themes that integrate seamlessly with popular WordPress plugins for added functionality, such as contact forms, social media sharing, and email marketing.
  • Scalability: Select a theme that can grow with your business, allowing you to easily add new features and scale your website as your needs evolve.

By prioritizing these features, you can select a WordPress theme that meets the demands of your business and helps you achieve your online goals.

21 Best WordPress Themes for Business

Now that we’ve covered the essential features to look for in WordPress themes for business websites, let’s dive into our carefully curated list of the top 21 themes.

Whether you’re starting a new venture, refreshing your existing website, or expanding your online presence, these themes are designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses across industries.

Let’s explore the best WordPress themes to elevate your website and help you achieve your business goals.

1. Astra

Astra - Best WordPress Themes

Astra is an excellent choice for any business with a solid online presence. This theme stands out because it offers various starter sites tailored to different business niches.

These can be easily imported with a single click, simplifying the setup process significantly. Astra is compatible with many leading WordPress drag-and-drop page builders, allowing easy customization.

Additionally, it supports the live WordPress customizer, enabling you to tweak your site’s appearance in real time to see immediate changes.

2. Divi


Divi is a standout WordPress theme that doubles as a powerful page builder, making it a popular choice for business websites.

It offers hundreds of ready-made templates for various business types, all customizable to meet your needs.

With Divi, you can easily import and personalize a website layout by changing content and colors and adding features like email newsletter signups.

Its user-friendly interface allows beginners to manage and customize their site directly from the front end without any coding knowledge, streamlining the website creation process.

3. SeedProd

SeedProd Home

SeedProd sets itself apart as a premier WordPress website and landing page builder, ideal for crafting a professional business site from the ground up.

Unlike traditional themes, SeedProd provides a comprehensive tool suite that allows you to design a website without coding knowledge. It features a variety of ready-made theme templates that are easily imported and customized within its builder using a simple drag-and-drop interface.

SeedProd also provides convenience with its built-in templates for essential pages like ‘Coming Soon’ or ‘Maintenance Mode,’ which can be activated and personalized with just one click to seamlessly align with your business style.

4. OceanWP


OceanWP is a modern WordPress theme perfect for businesses looking to launch their online presence swiftly and stylishly.

It features a one-click demo content importer and a wide array of built-in templates, making it straightforward to get your business website up and running in no time.

OceanWP is also fully equipped to support eCommerce, allowing you to easily set up an online store to sell products and services professionally.

This theme combines ease of use with extensive functionality, catering to various business needs.

5. Hestia Pro

Hestia pro - Wordpress Themes for Business

Hestia Pro stands out with its sleek, one-page design and stylish, modern layout, complete with a full-width header and a customizable background.

This theme benefits businesses looking for a compact yet powerful online presence. It comes equipped with content widgets for the header and footer, enhancing the site’s functionality and aesthetic appeal.

Additionally, Hestia Pro is fully compatible with Elementor Pro and other popular page builders, offering extensive customization options to tailor your site exactly to your business’s needs.

6. Ultra

Ultra Theme - WordPress Themes for Business

Ultra is a versatile WordPress theme ideally suited for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to large enterprises.

It offers an impressive array of ready-to-use templates catering to various business types, ensuring you can find a design that perfectly matches your company’s needs.

Ultra enhances your site’s functionality with custom widgets, multiple content types, sidebars, and a range of page templates and navigation menus.

The theme is highly customizable and compatible with your favorite page builders, allowing you to fine-tune every aspect of your site.

7. Altitude Pro

Altitude Pro - WordPress Themes for Business

Altitude Pro is an excellent WordPress theme tailored for digital media companies and modern businesses seeking a dynamic online presence.

Its homepage is designed for impact, featuring multiple widgetized areas, an eye-catching header image, and a prominent call to action button to guide visitor engagement.

Altitude Pro offers multiple layout choices and color schemes, allowing you to align the website’s design with your brand’s style. The header area is fully customizable, including space for your custom logo.

8. Indigo

Indigo Theme

Indigo is a visually stunning WordPress multipurpose theme crafted specifically for business websites.

Its standout feature is the large fullscreen slider on the homepage, accompanied by a sophisticated dark navigation menu and customizable logo placement, ensuring a captivating user experience.

With multiple homepage layouts, creative header styles, portfolio layouts, and seamless compatibility with drag-and-drop builders, Indigo empowers users to design custom landing pages and showcase their products and services with elegance and sophistication.

9. Struct

Struct theme for WordPress

Struct is a standout WordPress business theme for digital agencies, startups, and technology businesses. Its widgetized homepage empowers users to build their websites effortlessly through the drag-and-drop functionality.

Struct ensures a comprehensive representation of business offerings with dedicated sections for services, projects, teams, FAQs, guides, clients, and testimonials.

Additionally, it offers unlimited color choices, multi-page templates, and seamless social media integration, providing users with the tools they need to create professional and engaging websites that resonate with their audience.

10. VIP Business

VIP Business Themes for Wordpress

VIP Business offers a free and versatile WordPress theme solution for business websites, featuring a striking full-width background image, attention-grabbing headline text with a call-to-action, and multiple featured content areas to highlight critical products and services.

Its seamless integration with WooCommerce and WooCommerce plugins ensures effortless eCommerce functionality right from the start.

With easy setup facilitated by the live WordPress theme customizer, VIP Business empowers users to easily create professional and engaging websites, regardless of their level of expertise.

11. Technico

Technico - WordPress Business Themes

Technico is a modern WordPress theme tailored for construction or repair businesses, offering a user-friendly approach to website building.

Technico ensures a comprehensive way of presenting business offerings with easily customizable sections for services, team members, FAQs, guides, clients, testimonials, and slideshows.

Its widgetized homepage layout, flexible headers and footers, and 12 custom widgets provide ample flexibility for customization.

Additionally, seamless integration with Elementor enhances its versatility, allowing users to create dynamic and engaging websites that effectively showcase their services and expertise.

12. Neve

WordPress eCommerce Themes - Neve

Neve presents a timeless WordPress theme perfect for business websites, boasting a wide selection of ready-made sites that can be imported with just one click, expediting the website launch process.

With fully functional templates tailored for every business niche, Neve simplifies the creation of professional websites with ready-made landing pages.

Its lightning-fast performance ensures optimal user experience, while easy customization options for the header and footer within WordPress enhance its adaptability to individual preferences.

13. Venture

Venture - Business Themes for WordPress

Venture is a premium WordPress business theme that offers users a dynamic page builder for effortless homepage customization through a simple drag-and-drop.

Its feature-rich design includes essential elements such as a content slider, portfolio showcase, testimonials section, sub-pages widget, and more, ensuring a comprehensive representation of what your business offers.

With multiple spaces dedicated to adding contact details, Venture facilitates seamless user engagement, making it easier for visitors to connect with your business.

14. StartUp


StartUp is a versatile WordPress business theme crafted with startups, digital agencies, and corporate businesses in mind.

Its standout feature lies in providing custom widgets tailored for homepage and landing page customization, enabling users to create unique and engaging website experiences.

With custom theme settings for each feature accessible through the live customizer, StartUp offers unparalleled flexibility in tailoring website elements to specific preferences.

Additionally, its high compatibility with popular WordPress plugins ensures seamless integration of additional functionality as needed.

15. Gutentheme


Gutentheme exudes elegance as a WordPress business theme, offering users many customization options for every aspect of their website, from the header and footer to the entire layout.

With a wide range of header layouts, footer layouts, blog layouts, and numerous page layouts, Gutentheme ensures users can create a website that perfectly suits their vision and brand identity.

Moreover, its advanced settings, accessible through the WordPress customizer, make customization a breeze, even for beginners.

16. Presence


Presence stands out as an exceptional WordPress theme tailored for businesses, offering unparalleled customization options and a range of ready-to-use demos catering to various business niches, including fitness sites.

Its built-in sections for portfolio, about, team members, and client testimonials on the homepage streamline the website creation process, ensuring a comprehensive way to represent your business offerings.

Additionally, Presence includes multiple custom widgets, unlimited page layouts, and color schemes, empowering users to create unique and visually stunning websites that resonate with their audience.

17. Corporate Plus

corporate plus theme

Corporate Plus is a free WordPress theme tailored for business websites, offering premium-like features that elevate its functionality.

From an image slider to an About section and services showcase, Corporate Plus ensures businesses can effectively highlight their products and services.

Its inclusion of parallax background support, a blog section, and a contact page further enhance user engagement and communication.

Additionally, being fully widgetized, Corporate Plus simplifies the setup process, making it accessible to users of all skill levels.

18. Vantage


Vantage stands out as a versatile and free WordPress business theme, offering flexibility to build any website with ease.

Its compatibility with the Site Origin page builder plugin enables users to create personalized page layouts effortlessly using a drag-and-drop interface.

Inside, Vantage features essential elements such as a content slider, social media icons, customizable color choices, and a range of custom widgets, providing users with the tools they need to create professional and engaging websites that reflect their unique brand identity.

19. Zermatt


Zermatt emerges as a robust and extensively customizable WordPress theme designed specifically for hotels, resorts, and hospitality businesses.

Its captivating front page showcases a stunning fullscreen background image with a welcoming message, instantly captivating visitors.

Zermatt simplifies website creation with its rooms, services, locations, and photo gallery templates.

With easy customization facilitated by the WordPress live editor, users can personalize their website with a preview, ensuring it aligns perfectly with their brand identity and vision.

20. Roxima


Roxima is a stunning WordPress business theme known for its professional design. Offering users multiple layout choices, templates, and custom widgets, Roxima ensures versatility in website creation.

Roxima sets itself apart by providing unlimited design combinations for backgrounds, images, animations, and modules, allowing users to create unique and visually captivating websites.

Additionally, its flexible content widgets for the homepage and landing pages enhance customization options, empowering users to tailor their websites to their exact specifications easily.

21. Bordeaux


Last on the list comes Bordeaux, a beautiful WordPress theme designed for hotels and other hospitality businesses.

It’s fully responsive and designed for speed, performance, and good WordPress SEO.

Bordeaux has standard premium and unique features suitable for hotel and accommodation business websites. For instance, it lets you easily integrate popular hotel booking systems into your WordPress site.

That marks the end of our list of the best WordPress themes for a business.

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